Before I get started here I want to say that I'm sure most of you have noticed a drop in quality of these articles over the past few months. Just simply I ran out of ideas and forced myself to write those articles rather than have them be something I actually wanted to write. That is almost a sure way to end up with something mediocre. Because of this instead of writing an article every week I will be writing them whenever I feel like it. It could be every other week or one a month but hopefully not less than that (I wont promise anything though). If you pull the "filler" articles (like this week's) I'm writing decent articles about that often anyway. It will likely be that unless I have an idea for a theory article (which are my favorites) most of them will now be about how a specific format looks and/or building a deck for that format. Maybe I'll do a casual deck article every once in a while since I certainly haven't stopped building crappy casual decks on Magic Workstation (phear Defense of the Heart.dec) but not too many since they are generally short and the deck are rarely actually good (though I could likely get most of them to work in our more causal metagame).
Another casual deck for this week. This time I'm going to try my hand at mono-artifact beatdown.